Friday, October 4, 2024

The Federal Government is at War with the American People - Prepare to fight back                                                                                                                                                                By WarriorClass III  10/04/2024

By unrelenting coordinated illegal mass invasion, to red-flag FBI school shooting schemes, a fake pandemic and subsequent poisoning of the American people, directed weather control to cause mass casualties and intentional neglect of those so affected, to unparalleled expansion and debasement of the money supply and restriction of trade resulting in inflation not seen since the 1970's, the US Federal Government has been engaged in warfare with the American people since Barack Hussein Obama took office in 2009, while aiding and abetting our enemies.

We may well have arrived at the time that the American people are willing to fight back, and that is the point of this article.  

Fighting back requires intelligence gathered from excellent reconnaissance, and you don't have to go to DC to do that.  You no doubt have enough problems where you live, and that is where you should start. 

First, find out where all the Federal offices are in your locality, especially FBI, ATF, IRS offices.  Then watch those offices and determine who works there, what vehicle they drive, where they live and who they live with. Document this information for future reference. 

Second, get to know your local Sheriff and determine whether he is friend or foe both with regard to the Federal Tyranny and the criminal illegal aliens.  Your Sheriff is the only constitutional law enforcement in your area.  City police are little more than revenuers for the municipality, and 90% of the time cannot be counted as your friend, which means you need intel via reconnaissance on them as well.

Once you have gathered all the personnel intelligence you need to think about your area in terms of attack and escape routes, and start making plans.  Some of the best covert operations are carried out alone, or with a very small group of people that you have known for years and are certain that they can be relied upon for secrecy. Remember, there are no out-dated weapons, only out-dated tactics, so be willing to think outside the box.

If you live in a blue city, you are already behind enemy lines and will need to remain grey and unassuming. On the positive side, you are in a target rich area and you probably already know a lot about those traitors in your city government, needing only to determine where they live and how to most effectively deal with them.

If you are fortunate enough to have a group of patriots to work with, it's always a good idea to have your partners create a diversion while you carry out your operations, quietly and with stealth. These should not be suicide ventures, you want to live to fight another day.  This takes thought and planning, so do your homework and practice dry-runs.

We may or may not win this war, but we damn sure don't want them to win without paying for it dearly.

I'm reminded of an email Mike Vanderboegh wrote to CBS News back in 2009 responding to their column about gun registration. (see below)

His tag line was "You don't poke a wolverine with a stick unless you want your balls ripped off."

Indeed, they have been poking the wolverine.  And now it's time to rip their balls off.


Subject: "You don't poke a wolverine with a stick unless you want your balls ripped off."
Date: 8/22/2009 2:27:47 P.M. Central Daylight Time
From: GeorgeMason1776

re: Your column "Sorry, Mandatory Gun Registration Is Constitutional"

Dear Declan,

There are things in life that you can do.

There are things in life that you shouldn't do.

For example, you CAN urinate on an electric fence, but it will undoubtedly be a far more religious experience than you had bargained for. Likewise it is with mandatory gun registration.

All this pointy-hatted constitutional "scholar" stuff is good for the sort of parlor chat that some folks favor, I suppose, but in the real world there is for the academician kibitzer and citizen disarmament advocate legal beagle this unfortunate (depending upon how you look at it) set of historical and political truths:

One, universal gun registration is the precursor to gun confiscation, always has been, always will be.

Two, gun confiscation is the absolute precursor to tyranny and genocide.

Three, there are enough armed citizenry in this country who have internalized these lessons to make it suicidal for any would-be tyrant to try, "constitutional" or not. (The Founders would say "not," but why waste time debating the point?)

Ergo, as my Michigan farmer grandfather once told me about arguing with Grandma: "Son, you don't poke a wolverine with a sharp stick unless you want your balls ripped off."

Oh, by the way, WE are the wolverine.

Are we done here? I think we are.

Mike Vanderboegh
Pinson, AL
The alleged leader of a merry band of Three Percenters


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