Yeshua said the Father is seeking those that worship Him in Spirit and in Truth, John 4:23-24. Christians seem to get the Spirit part but not the Truth part. Yeshua is the Truth, but most do not understand what that means. Yeshua is the Word of Elohim - not just the so-called New Testament, but the "old" as well. In fact, you should rip the pages between the two out, because it is all Yeshua.
Yeshua said if you love me, keep my commandments. This means the ones in the beginning of the book as well as the ones at the end. Keep His righteousness; do what He says. Keep the Sabbath. This is the one commandment that the Father said not to forget, but it is the one most forgotten by the church today, Exodus 20:8-11. I'm not saying in a legal sense, although that is a good training ground for keeping the Torah in Spirit.
There are many in Christendom that say keeping the law is seeking your own righteousness. This couldn't be further from the truth. The Torah is Yehovah's Righteousness - not ours. Or did you write the Torah with all of the instructions? No, He did. The Torah is Yehovah's righteousness.
If you start keeping the Torah to the best of your understanding, Yeshua will reveal the Spirit of the Torah to you. Paul said the Torah was a school master (Galatians 3:24), but sadly no one has been schooled in it so they have no understanding of it or His merciful righteousness; a righteousness we take on when we seek to keep it.
That is not our righteousness, it is His.
This is for our sanctification AFTER we come to a knowledge of Him through repentance, so it is a commitment issue. Are we committed to Him? Do we really study His Torah with the mind to obey Him? Or do we just say, give me more of your Spirit? Saints, the battle is in our souls, not in the air. The enemy is in the air, but the attack is against the soul.
We must do all we can in our own soul to fight the enemy, working together with the other believers for each other, Galatians 6:2. We do that through obedience to His Word. This is a refining. Sure you have given up some sins after being saved, but there is still a refining to be done and this is done through sanctification, and sanctification is done through obedience to His Torah.
This is the Truth part of the equation. We need both Spirit and Truth.
Yeshua is revealed in His commandments; His heart is revealed to us through them. How do you know if your prayers are according to His will if you do not know His heart? This is a long process of getting to know our Savior through His Word. It's not going to happen over night and we will all make many mistakes along the way. I certainly have. We must Trust Him as we practice keeping all of His Torah, and pray for Him to guide us in His Way and to reveal His perfect will to us and for us.
As you practice this, you will quickly see how utterly dependent upon Him we really are; how inadequate we are in ourselves to do even the simplest things He asks us. Try keeping Passover; it is only by actually doing it that you will see your shortcomings in this one commandment. This forces us into an even deeper relationship with Him and gives us experiential understanding of many of David's prayers that we see in the Psalms, when he says how thirsty he is for His Spirit. Most people are dying of thirst and don't even know it.
Do you think you have received the Holy Spirit? Test that. See how strong you are in really keeping all of His commandments. I mean really keeping all of them from the beginning to the end of the Book. Of course not all of the commandments apply to each one of us individually. There are commandments for the Aaronic Priesthood that we are not to keep except in a spiritual sense. There are laws that apply to women only and laws that apply to men only. Nevertheless, it is by this striving that He teaches us the spirit of the Torah, and His will for us. It's hard and the enemy will fight you every step of the way; but you will certainly know what to pray for - what the next step in your sanctification is, and what your prayers for others are to be.
Oh Yeshua, Help us to hear and obey your Word!
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